Joseph Mallord William Turner
English Romantic Painter, 1775-1851
Joseph Mallord William Turner (23 April 1775 ?C 19 December 1851) was an English Romantic landscape painter, watercolourist and printmaker, whose style is said to have laid the foundation for Impressionism. Although Turner was considered a controversial figure in his day, he is now regarded as the artist who elevated landscape painting to an eminence rivalling history painting.
Turner's talent was recognised early in his life. Financial independence allowed Turner to innovate freely; his mature work is characterised by a chromatic palette and broadly applied atmospheric washes of paint. According to David Piper's The Illustrated History of Art, his later pictures were called "fantastic puzzles." However, Turner was still recognised as an artistic genius: the influential English art critic John Ruskin described Turner as the artist who could most "stirringly and truthfully measure the moods of Nature." (Piper 321)
Suitable vehicles for Turner's imagination were to be found in the subjects of shipwrecks, fires (such as the burning of Parliament in 1834, an event which Turner rushed to witness first-hand, and which he transcribed in a series of watercolour sketches), natural catastrophes, and natural phenomena such as sunlight, storm, rain, and fog. He was fascinated by the violent power of the sea, as seen in Dawn after the Wreck (1840) and The Slave Ship (1840).
Turner placed human beings in many of his paintings to indicate his affection for humanity on the one hand (note the frequent scenes of people drinking and merry-making or working in the foreground), but its vulnerability and vulgarity amid the 'sublime' nature of the world on the other hand. 'Sublime' here means awe-inspiring, savage grandeur, a natural world unmastered by man, evidence of the power of God - a theme that artists and poets were exploring in this period. The significance of light was to Turner the emanation of God's spirit and this was why he refined the subject matter of his later paintings by leaving out solid objects and detail, concentrating on the play of light on water, the radiance of skies and fires. Although these late paintings appear to be 'impressionistic' and therefore a forerunner of the French school, Turner was striving for expression of spirituality in the world, rather than responding primarily to optical phenomena.
Rain, Steam and Speed - The Great Western Railway painted (1844).His early works, such as Tintern Abbey (1795), stayed true to the traditions of English landscape. However, in Hannibal Crossing the Alps (1812), an emphasis on the destructive power of nature had already come into play. His distinctive style of painting, in which he used watercolour technique with oil paints, created lightness, fluency, and ephemeral atmospheric effects. (Piper 321)
One popular story about Turner, though it likely has little basis in reality, states that he even had himself "tied to the mast of a ship in order to experience the drama" of the elements during a storm at sea.
In his later years he used oils ever more transparently, and turned to an evocation of almost pure light by use of shimmering colour. A prime example of his mature style can be seen in Rain, Steam and Speed - The Great Western Railway, where the objects are barely recognizable. The intensity of hue and interest in evanescent light not only placed Turner's work in the vanguard of English painting, but later exerted an influence upon art in France, as well; the Impressionists, particularly Claude Monet, carefully studied his techniques. Related Paintings of Joseph Mallord William Turner :. | Old London bridge | Nuber two | Turner 1813 watercolour, Ivy Bridge | Stress | Red trap | Related Artists: Leon Lhermitte1844-1925 was a French painter and etcher of the late nineteenth century. A student of Lecocq de Boisbourdran, he was a realist artist whose primary subject matter was of rural scenes depicting the peasant worker. He gained recognition after his show in the Paris Salon in 1864. His many awards include the French Legion of Honour (1884) and the Grand Prize at the Exposition Universelle in 1889. Lhermittees innovative use of the then contemporary media of pastels won him the admiration of his contemporaries. Vincent Van Gogh wrote that. If every month Le Monde Illustre published one of his compositions. Harmen van SteenwyckDutch Painter of still lifes, notably of fruit ,
1612-1659 fredrik westinFredric Westin, född den 22 september 1782 i Stockholm, död 13 maj 1862 i Stockholm, historie- och porträttmålare.
Westin hade varit elev hos Lorens Pasch d.y. och Louis Masreliez på Konstakademien. Sedan han 1808 blivit kallad till akademiens agr?? och förordnad till konduktör vid kungliga museet blev han 1812 invald i Konstakademiens styrelse. Han blev 1815 vice professor och 1816 professor vid Konstakademien. Där var han också 1828-1840 direktör. 1843 utnämndes han till hovintendent.
Till hans tidigare skede och till hans främsta alster hör "Dagens stunder", fyra dörrstycken i Karl Johans sängkammare på Rosersbergs slott med antikiserande figurer: Aurora som strör blommor över jorden, Apollon med sitt fyrspann, Diana följd av Aftonrodnaden samt Natten med sitt stjärnströdda dok (1812-13). På Säfstaholms slott finns "De fyra årstiderna presiderade av jordens gudinna" (1843), på Rosendals slott "Hebe med örnen" (1832) och "Flora bekransande Linn??s byst" (1843) och vid Stockholms universitet "Musiken, föreställd av en grupp unga flickor". Han målade också kompositioner ur den svenska historien ("Olof Skötkonungs dop", "Lutherska lärans antagande").
Westin målade en stor mängd porträtt då han under Karl XIV Johans tid var konstnären på modet. Som porträttmålare var han dock inte enhälligt uppskattad. En kritiker som Silverstolpe beklagade 1809 att en konstnär som "äger så mycken färdighet till stöd för sitt sökande av idealet" sysselsatte sig med en konst av så lågt värde och hoppades att han "måtte återvända från den platta verkliga världen till den poetiska." Hammarsköld menade 1818 att av de svenska konstnärerna var det Westin som hade de ringaste anlagen för porträttmålning. Scholander kallade hans porträtt för "vaxgubbar". Andra hade lovord att fälla över Westins porträtt. Gerss ansåg att Westins porträtt hade likhet och behag i uttrycket, enkelhet i ställning och klädsel, urval av natur i formerna och säkerhet och sanning i utförandet. Wennberg kallade honom "den förste svenske tecknarens Lorenz Paschs så värdige fosterson".
Under Karl XIV Johans tid målade han rad porträtt på kungafamiljen. 1824 målade han en populär allegori över kronprinsessan Josefinas ankomst till Sverige, där Saga i gul och blå dräkt sitter på marken framför en runsten och blickar upp mot skyn där kronprinsessan i röd och vit dräkt svävar ned på en molntapp omgiven av tre amoriner. 1838 målade han Karl XIV Johan till häst på Ladugårdsgärdet hälsande med den trekantiga hatten.
Efter att Sandbergs altartavla för Sankt Jacobs kyrka hade underkänts vände sig de ansvariga till Westin med uppdraget att måla en altartavla. Målningen, "Kristi förklaring" var klar 1828 och resultatet blev både hyllat och kritiserat. Andra altartavlor av Westin finns i Kungsholms kyrka ("Kristi uppståndelse", 1825), Åbo domkyrka ("Kristi förklaring", 1836), Uddevalla kyrka ("Kristus välsignar barnen") samt Carl Gustafs kyrka ("Kristi begravning", 1832).